Diplomat's Connect




BLS Touching Lives Globally

Don’t you hate having to stand in long queues and wait endlessly for essentials like a passport or a visa, or even government-provided identity cards?

At BLS, efficiency is our forte. We aim to touch the lives of people across the globe with our tech-enabled services that make the process of documentation and identification relatively easy and hassle-free for everyone.

It may interest you that BLS International has been the preferred service provider to governments and embassies worldwide for visa and passport outsourcing services, consular, e-governance, attestation, bio-metric, e-visa and other retail services. At BLS, we also offer customised citizen services to governments across Asia, Africa, Europe, America and the Middle East. These services include bio-metric and e-visa solutions, registrations, permits, and many other government-related administrative facilities.

Read on to know more about the various citizen services offered by us:

1. Visa Processing Services

 Nowadays, post pandemic, where everyone wants to travel, obtaining a visa can be quite a long-drawn process. Being a top-notch visa outsourcing company, we offer a seamless, tech-based visa processing service that includes visa application, issuance of visas, e-visas and resident permits. Each vertical has the scope of being customised according to the requirements of the citizens and the government.

At BLS, we ensure that each specific enquiry made by prospective and existing applicants is addressed carefully, and more people are reached by the embassies/missions of different countries. For this, BLS has established innumerable state-of-the-art VACs (Visa application centres) across the globe that make the application process a hassle-free and pleasant experience for all citizens.

Furthermore, pro customer service and convenience are the game changers in today’s world. We at BLS too have taken some important steps towards delighting you, by offering you three categories of our outsourced visa services.

A. Standard Service

This is our basic visa application service that is availed by all applicants visiting the Visa Application Centre (VAC). All applicants must pay a standard fee, i.e., the standard rates applicable for a visa.

B. Premium Service

As the name suggests, our Premium visa application service offers you personalized attention from our outsourced visa agents /staff at the VACs, wherein they assist with the filling up of forms and other required application processes on your behalf.

The Premium visa application service also includes access to the Premium Lounge, translation and transcription of foreign languages, fast-track courier services, notary services and video conferencing services (when an embassy official needs to take the applicant’s interview).

C. Platinum Services

The Platinum service has been carefully designed to reduce an applicant’s inconvenience to zero. It offers the services of an outsourced visa agent who visits the applicant’s residence/office or other premises and provides personalised assistance for the visa application process without needing the applicant to visit the VAC!

2. E-Visa Service

Did you know that you can get a Malaysian visa within the click of a few buttons?

Yes, it is possible. The E-Visa is one such service that has made the lives of many applicants stress-free by leaps and bounds.

For those who do not have the convenience or the inclination towards going and collecting the travel visa from an outsourced visa provider (especially now in the post-pandemic world), the e-visa service is God-sent!

This service is one of BLS’s prime services offered at various embassies and ports of entry. The BLS e-visa solution allows applicants to apply for visas via the internet after filling in the required information on the BLS VAC’s database system. Once the information is verified, the applicant is given the provision to make payments online by credit or debit card, after which the respective country’s government issues the e-visa, and a visa confirmation letter is sent out. A completely smooth and hassle-free process!

3. Consular Services

 At BLS, we also offer a gamut of consular services worldwide on behalf of our client governments, including outsourced passport services like accepting passport applications, replacement passports and associated travel documents, national identification cards, consular appointments, as well as notary services.

At BLS, we even assist our clients via telephone enquiries to ensure they have a pleasant experience.

4. Passport Outsourcing Services

 To facilitate the ease of application and make the service available and accessible to all citizens, BLS has set up state-of-the-art passport outsourcing services to diplomatic missions across the globe.

The passport outsourcing services include accepting and processing applications for the renewal of passports, issuing passports and observations made in passports.

So, the next time you plan for a trip abroad and want a seamless experience, head straight to your nearest BLS centre – your friendly neighborhood outsourced visa and passport provider!

5. Citizen and Front-End Services

 Do you shudder at running from pillar to post to acquire a government identity card – like the Aadhar card? We at BLS are here to make your lives easier and with our state of the art solutions!

We provide a secure, modern, efficient and well-appointed Citizen Services centre with highly trained professional personnel. We also collaborate with The Government to provide you with secure, cost-effective and customized services that enable them to reduce identity fraud and improve national security and governance.

We have set up innumerable Citizen Service centres in UP, Punjab, Rajasthan, West Bengal, Karnataka and Chennai to offer a seamless experience.

Some of the services that we offer in India are the

  • Aadhar Card provision service
  • Ayushmaan Yojna service
  • Pradhan Mantri Yojna service and many others.
  1. Verification and Attestation Service

 Governments across the world have recognised BLS as an attestation service provider in India and other countries. Our attestation services include accepting documents from individuals on behalf of the government, thereby facilitating the respective ministry to provide quick and genuine Ministry Attestation/Apostille services. Some of these services include translation services (if any as per the attestation requirements), state attestation services, etc.

So the next time you need to avail of any of the Government to Citizen Services, or need help with document verification, visit your nearest BLS Centre!

We hope that you are now well-versed with the services we can offer you. We at BLS are here to make lives easier and offer hassle-free consular experiences.

Do visit our website www.blsinternational.com to know more or to connect with us!

