In the era of enhanced governance, governments are embracing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in a comprehensive manner to enhance the delivery of public services. This shift aims to establish a more transparent, accountable, and easily accessible public administration.
BLS provides practical and sustainable e-governance solutions through innovative and customizable commercial models such as PPP/BOOT/BOT/BOO. These solutions play a crucial role in helping government agencies overcome silo barriers, enabling them to share and leverage data efficiently for prompt and informed decision-making. This approach not only saves costs but also prevents duplication of efforts. BLS offers a range of solutions designed to establish a unique registry of citizens, businesses, and properties. Additionally, it focuses on optimizing Government-to-Citizen (G2C) service delivery and promoting effective inter-agency governance.
Sewa Kendras are setup to provide citizen-centric services including Government [Government to Citizens (G2C), Government to Business (G2B), and Government to Employee (G2E)] and Business to Citizen (B2C) Services. Sewa Kendras are being majorly used as a common front end for various departments. Sewa Kendras offers the facility to integrate with automated back end for those departments which are processing the applications manually.
Technology Components & Architecture:
The project is a BOT project which envisages the integration of Sewa Kendras spread across the state of Punjab where, over 200 services rendered by the state government are being brought under a single windows concept.
Outcomes/Deliverables of the project