Security Notice for Applicants Visiting BLS India Consular Application Centre in Spain.
Please note that access to the Consular Application Centre is restricted to consular applicants only. The only exceptions to this policy are:
Elderly, medically infirm or disabled applicants who require assistance in order to submit their applications. Applicants who fall into these categories should advise the security staff on arrival at the Consular Application Centre.
Mobile phones are Not permitted in the Consular Application Centre, but they must be switched to silent or vibrate mode. They should be switched on before entering the Consular Application Centre and provided to the security team.
Under no circumstances is photography, filming or audio recording permitted. No bags can be taken into the Consular Application Centre and must be stored elsewhere.
For security reasons the following items will not be permitted inside the Consular Application Centre.
Other items may be prohibited based on security staff discretion.
Please Note: The Consular Application Centre is unable to store prohibited items. Applicants should make other arrangements to store these belongings before they enter the Consular Application Centre.
All Consular Application centres are under 24 hours CCTV surveillance. The images are constantly recorded for the purposes of crime prevention, detection and public safety.
In the interest of safety and security, we reserve the right to conduct random bag searches of applicants and visitors.
Our staff have the right to work without fear of abuse or intimidation. Threatening or abusive words or behavior towards our staff will not be tolerated under any circumstances.