Apply for VISA to Portugal in Morocco

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Apply for VISA to Portugal In Morocco
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Dear Applicants, below you can find the major requirements before you apply for a visa:

  • You may apply for Schengen visa 6 months prior to your intended trip, but not less than 15 days before the date of your travel!
  • Portugal visa application centres accept documents from the citizens of Morocco residing in any region, and nationals of third countries legally residing on the territory of the Kingdom of Morocco.
  • All Morocco citizens must have either temporary or permanent registration on the territory of the Kingdom of Morocco. If you have no registration at all, visa application centre will not be able to accept your documents.
  • Please, provide copies of documents of good quality. Documents of poor quality will not be accepted.
  • Please, note the amount of funds required for the trip: 75 euro – for the first day of staying in Portugal, and 50 euro per day onwards.
  • Finance (bank certificate in original)
  • Application for children under 18 is available only in presence of guardian.

Visa Fees

All fees are paid ONLY in cash in Morocco dirham. We kindly ask you to prepare the necessary amount without change.

The visa fees and service charges once paid are not refundable.

The applicable visa and service fees in Dirham are as per the current exchange rate provided by the Consulate. The same is subject to change without notice.

Service fee for appeal 4 euros

All the fees mentioned above are inclusive of VAT.

Visa type Fee(MAD)
Visa C 939,50 Dhs
Visa C for children between 6-12 years 470 Dhs
Visa C for children below 6 years free
National visas 939,50 Dhs
Visa C for Cape Verdean citizens 705
Visa C for Cape Verdean citizens 12-18 years 352,50
Appeals 783 Dhs

Please Note:

  • The applicable visa fee is in Moroccan Dirham as per the current Euro exchange rate. It is subject to change.
  • All fees are non-refundable.
  • There is à service charge of 179 Dhs perceived for demand, in addition to the visa fee.
  • All charges to be paid in cash only.

Please note that, according to our legislation, the following cathegories are exempt of visa fee :

a) Children up to 6 years of age;

b) Primary and secondary school students, higher education students, including of postgraduate courses, and accompanying teachers, who travel for study or training purposes;

c) Researchers who are nationals of third countries, as defined in point 2 of article 3 of Directive (EU) 2016/801 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 11 May 2016, who travel for the purposes of scientific research or who participate in a scientific seminar or conference;

d) Representatives of non-profit organizations, up to 25 years of age, who participate in seminars, conferences and sporting, cultural or educational events organized by non-profit organizations.

e) Foreign citizens who benefit from scholarships awarded by the Portuguese State;

f) Nationals of third countries who are family members of citizens of the European Union or of the European Economic Area who exercise their right to free movement, family members in this context meaning:

  • The spouse of a European Union citizen;
  • The partner with whom a citizen of the European Union lives in a de facto union established in accordance with the law or with whom the citizen maintains a permanent relationship duly certified by the competent authority of the Member State where he resides;
  • The direct descendant under 21 years of age or who is dependent on a citizen of the European Union, as well as the spouse or partner within the meaning of the previous subparagraph;
  • The direct ascendant who is a dependent or a citizen of the European Union, as well as his or her spouse or partner within the meaning of subparagraph ii);
  • The direct ascendant who is dependent on a minor citizen of the European Union.

g) Portuguese nationals who also have the nationality of the country of residence and who, due to local requirements, cannot travel with a Portuguese passport;

h) Patients benefiting from cooperation agreements with Portugal in the field of health and the person accompanying them;

i) Visas granted to descendants of portuguese residence permit holders, under the provisions on family reunification;

j) Temporary stay visas and residence visas for highly qualified research activities.

Document Requirements

  • Visa application form (original) completed in Latin letters (transliteration), in English or Portuguese language. Visa application form must be signed personally by applicant. Parent or official representative must sign the application form for minors.
  • 2 color photographs 3.5 х 4.5 cm over white background.
  • Travel document valid for at least three months after the intended date of (last) departure from the Schengen area, containing at least two blank pages and issued within the previous ten years. And a copy of the first page with the information about an applicant.
  • Second valid travel document: original + copy of the first page with the information about an applicant.
  • Old/cancelled passports: first page of passport and copies of all Schengen visas for last 3 years.
  • Internal passport (issued at the age of 14): original with copy of bio data and all marked pages.
  • Travel medical insurance covering the entire period of intended stay, valid for all Schengen States and covering any expenses which might arise in connection with repatriation for medical reasons, urgency medical attention, emergency hospital treatment or death during the stay. The minimum coverage must be €30.000.
  • Consent form for data processing, if you apply for a visa in Morocco; Consent form for data processing, if you apply for a visa in other regions of Morocco.
  • In cases of third-country nationals, proof of legal residence in the Kingdom of Morocco in line with federal legislation (e.g. residence permit, long-term visa, temporal proof of legal residence plus patent or FMS registration), valid for at least 90 days after the planned return from the Schengen. If not resident, proof of legal presence in the Kingdom of Morocco and justification for submitting visa application in the Kingdom of Morocco instead of the country of residence. For students of third-country nationals, proof of legal residence in the Kingdom of Morocco in line with federal legislation (e.g. residence permit, long-term visa or FMS registration), valid for at least three months after the planned return from the Schengen area.
  • In cases of minors:
    • Birth certificate: original + copy.
    • Notarized consent of the parental authority.The notarized consent must include the name of the person who will travel with the minor and the name of the adult who will be responsible for the minor during his / her stay in Portugal, the notarized consent must be recent and the dates of the trip must be completely covered by this document. Notarized consent must be issued no earlier than 6 months before the intended trip to Portugal and cover the full dates of the trip.
      • Minors traveling without their parents or guardians: Notarized consent to travel from both parents/guardians (with a copy of the first page of the domestic passport), if the minor is travelling alone / with another person or institution.
      • If the minor is travelling with one of his/her parents, it is required to present a notarized consent of the parent/guardian (with a copy of the first page of the domestic passport) who does not accompany the minor.
      • Also, a copy of the Schengen visa of the persons who are travelling with the minor, plus their roundtrip tickets must be submitted as a confirmation that the minor is not travelling alone.
      • For minors under tutorship travelling with both guardians / one of the guardians / with another person it is required to submit the consent of Child Protection Services.
      • The notarized consent to travel is also required in the following cases:
      • The parents or one of the parents are temporarily or permanently residing in the Portuguese territory;
      • The minor and the parents/parent /escort travel back on different dates;
      • The minor and the parents/parents/escort travel back together, but the parents/parent/escort, plan to leave the Portuguese territory for a while during the minor’s stay in Portugal;
      • The minor and the parents/parent/escort travel on different flights.
    • Important: if a child is travelling alone, confirmation from airlines (follow-me service) is also to be provided.

  • Two-way tickets.

    In case of an Urgent visa tickets should be fully paid, in case of ordinary visa booked tickets are acceptable.

    If traveling by car, copy of the “Technical Passport” of the vehicle, international driving license and car insurance (Green Card). If the vehicle is rented, the leasing contract. Also must be provided a printed itinerary of planned trip.

  • Proof of financial means (original): letter from employer and bank/credit card statements and/or 2NDFL. Note: evidence of currency purchase is not considered a financial document. The relevance of these documents is 1 month from the date of issue.

    Funds required for trip: 75 euro – for the first day of staying in Portugal, and 50 euro per day onwards.

    Applicants who have their own business must provide a copy of business registration and a copy of the tax identification number (TIN).

    A sponsor's letter (if necessary), drawn up in a free form and indicating the relationship between the sponsor and the applicant, as well as a copy of the information page of the sponsor's passport and documents confirming the sponsor's solvency (see above).

  • As per category of traveler.

    Tourists and other private visitors:

    • Proof of accommodation (e.g. document from the establishment providing accommodation or any other appropriate document indicating the accommodation envisaged in accordance with the legislation of the Schengen Member State concerned); if not available, adequate written description of the planned journey.
    • Proof of the itinerary (e.g. a confirmation of the booking of an organized trip or any other appropriate document indicating the envisaged travel plans such as a reserved return ticket ); if not available, adequate written description of the planned journey.
    • Visitors of military and civil burial grounds:

    • Official document confirming the existence and preservation of the burial ground and relationship between the applicant and the buried.
    • Property owners in the Schengen area and their close relatives and friends:

    • Relevant national document CADERNETA PREDIAL in a special format:
    • Please pay attention that CADERNETA PREDIAL is valid for 6 months in case if there is no date of expiry in the document. In case an applicant bought apartment in mortgage, the caderneta predial will be issued in the name of the bank and applicant should provide copy of utility bills.

Photo Specifications

photo requirement
  • Photo should be no more than 6 months old.
  • 35-45 mm width.
  • Face should take up 70-80 % of the whole photo.
  • Photo should be in sharp focus and clear, bright and contrast.
  • There should not be any ink markers or creases.
  • Photo should be printed in colors on a high quality paper at a high resolution.
  • The background should be white.

You should look directly at the camera. Face should be open with no hair around it. Eyes should be open, mouth closed. There should not be shadows on the face or red eyes because of the light.

Head coverings are not permitted except the religious one. Please avoid heavy framed of glasses.

Dear applicants, please pay attention that as per the requirement of the Consular section of the Embassy of Portugal in Morocco the Visa centres can refuse to accept the whole set of documents in case the photo doesn’t correspond the above mentioned rules.

Processing Time

The standard processing time for a decision on a visa application is 15 working days. This may, in individual cases, increase to 45 days from the day of receipt of the application by the Consular Section of the Embassy of Portugal in Morocco.

Important! This period does NOT include the time required for the delivery of documents from the regions to Morocco and back.