-A A +A A A BLS International

Visa Information

A) Visa Information

(Please carefully read General Instructions before filling the application form)

Applications for Indian Visa are to be submitted to the Consulate General of India, Hong Kong through its external application service centre (managed by M/s BLS International Services Limited) located at Room 2302, 23/Floor, Olympia Plaza, 255 King's Road, North Point, Hong Kong. on any working day (Monday to Friday) except designated holidays between 09:00 AM to 01:00 PM. The timing for collection of documents is 04:00 PM to 05:30 PM.

Applicants must book prior appointment, online at https://indiavisa.blsinternational.com/hongkong/appointment/bls_appmnt/login, before visiting the external application service centre to submit the Indian visa application.

Contact Details of M/s BLS International Services Limited:
Website :  https://www.blsinternational.com/india/hongkong/
Phone : +852-58195329 
Fax : +852 2620 0341
Email Id :  info.hk@blsinternational.net

Note: No prior appointment is required for Diplomatic, Official, Service and UN Passport holders requiring Indian Visa and visa application may be submitted directly at Indian Consulate located at Unit- D, 16th Floor, United Centre, 95 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong between 9.30 AM to 12.30 PM.

(B) General instructions:
  1. Some fake websites are reported to be duping those who seek Visa for India. Therefore, it is requested that all visa, passport, consular and other services seekers should exercise utmost caution while accessing the websites for Indian Visa.
  2. Applicants are required to fill  online visa application only at  http://indianvisaonline.gov.in
  3. Please select Indian Mission CHINA-HONG KONG
  4. Please note down the Temporary Application ID: (Your Information will be saved if you click save button or continue to next page. If you exit without doing either of that, your information will be lost. Minimum field required for partial save is up to Date of Birth)
  5. Please duly fill all the particulars including permanent and present address, e-mail id, mobile and phone number. Also mention the name and phone number of references/contacts correctly. Applications without complete details are liable to be rejected.
  6. Recent color photograph as per Photo specifications is to be uploaded and submitted with visa application.
  7. The applicant has to take a printout of the online visa application form, starting with CHNH, and signed copy of the same with all relevant documents as required for the particular type of visa to be submitted at external application service centre (managed by M/s BLS International Services Limited) located at Room 2302, 23/Floor, Olympia Plaza, 255 King's Road, North Point, Hong Kong. on any working day (Monday to Friday) except designated holidays between 09:00 AM to 01:00 PM.
  8. Applicants must book prior appointment, online at https://indiavisa.blsinternational.com/hongkong/appointment/bls_appmnt/login, before visiting the external application service centre to submit the Indian visa application.
  9. Applicants are required to come in person for submitting the application as biometric data and photo are required to be captured at the time of submission of visa application.
  10. Persons above the age of 70 and children below 12 years of age are exempted from bio-metric enrollment. The visa applications for applicants falling in this category may be submitted by their representatives with proper authority letter.
  11. All original documents are required to be kept ready for verification during submission of Visa application. These will be returned after verification.
  12. Even if, the application is accepted at external application service centre (managed by M/s BLS International Services Limited), Consulate reserves the right to ask for further documentation from applicant. Applicant in that case is required to provide additional documents, for further processing of visa application.
  13. Visa Fee is to be paid in cash. Visa fee may vary for different nationalities and type of Visa. Please visit Visa Fee Schedule for details. Please note that in addition to the prescribed visa fee, a service fee of HK$ 47 will be charged by M/s BLS for each application. Value added services (VAS) offered by M/s BLS are optional services and will be charged separately, if the applicant chooses to avail those services. Applicants are free to avail these services from other places of their choice also.Applicants may note that Visa fee is processing charges and it will not be refunded even if Visa is not granted or granted for a shorter period than applied for.
  14. CGI Hong Kong issues Visas to applicants residing in Hong Kong and Macau only. Non-residents can apply for Visa at external application service centre however visa to non-residents will be granted only if their justification to submit visa applications in Hong Kong and not in their places of residence is acceptable to CGI HK. Short validity single entry visas will normally be issued to such applicants.
  15. In normal cases subject to application being complete and in order, it takes three working days for HK and Macau residents and six working days for non-residents to grant visa. There are certain categories of Visa/Nationalities which may require long processing time extending upto 1-2 months. BLS/ Consulate would advise the applicants once such categories/nationalities of persons submit their visa applications. In some cases, Consulate may require additional documentation and also ask the applicant to come in person for interview, which may result in extended processing time. Therefore, the applicants are advised to apply well in advance.
  16. Acceptance of Visa application does not guarantee grant of Visa. Consulate reserves the right to reject visa application without assigning any reason.
  17. Once Visa is granted, its type and duration cannot be changed or amended. All Visas are valid from date of issue, not from date of arrival in India. Applicants must enter and exit India before the date of expiry mentioned on the visa.
  18. All travelers to India are advised to check the latest immigration and entry regulations before travel.
  19. Applicants must ensure that while applying visa their Passport should have at least six months validity and minimum full two blank pages.
  20. Applicants must be in Hong Kong/Macau at the time of application for visa.
  21. The following additional documents are required form Pakistani nationals and persons of Pakistan origin:
    1. Sponsorship certificate is required for Visitor Visa from Pakistani national
    2. Form-I from Pakistani nationals and persons of Pakistan origin
  22. In addition to Visa application form, some applicants depending upon case-to-case basis may be required to fill in the Personal Particular Form
  23. Advisory for Visa applicants:

    (i)All applicants are requested not to deal with other websites that do not belong to the Government of India and apply for Indian visa only at http://indianvisaonline.gov.in
    (ii) Government of India makes no provision of charging of any emergency fees or additional fees for grant of any emergency / express visa.
    (iii) Use of satellite phones (including Thuraya, Iridium, BGAN, Inmarsat etc) is banned in India; unauthorized possession & use is a punishable offence. All foreigners visiting India are advised not to carry any kind of satellite telephone into India. All visa applicants are required to submit a self undertaking as per Form-II to this effect.
    (iv) Foreign nationals intending to visit a place falling in the Protected/ Restricted Area in India may submit an application for the grant of Protected/Restricted Area Permit to Concerned offices in particular Indian states OR nearest Indian Mission/Post. This requirement is in addition to getting an Indian visa. It will take shorter time, if the travelers apply for RAP from Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) /Resident Commissioners of the Concerned State Govt. through nearest metropolitan City OR through travel/tour operators in India. If travelers apply in Indian Mission/Post abroad, it will take around 5-6 weeks to process. For more details please visit: https://mha.gov.in/PDF_Other/AnnexVII_01022018.pdf
    (v) Consulate will not be responsible for any loss of bookings made in anticipation of grant of Visa.
    (vi) Visa applicants/ prospective traveller to India may make themselves aware of other rules like Airline guidelines, baggage rules, Indian Custom and Immigration rules etc before travelling to India to avoid inconvenience.

  24. The following additional documents are required from China passport holders:

    (i) Form V to be filled in original by the Hong Kong company for Business Visa.

    (ii) Proforma 1 to be filled in original by the Applicant for both Business and Employment Visas.

    (iii) Proforma 2 to be filled in original by the Applicant’s Current employer for both Business and Employment Visas.

    (iv) Proforma 3 to be filled in original by the inviting company for both Business and Employment Visas.

    (v) Proforma 4 to be filled in original by the inviting company for Employment Visa.

    (vi) Proforma 5 to be filled in by the Current employer for Business Visa under PLI or similar other scheme. This does not have to be submitted with the application but to be emailed to visa3.beijing@mea.gov.in

    (vii)Proforma 6 to be filled in original by the inviting company for Employment Visa

(C) Types of Indian Visa and documentations required

  1. Diplomatic/Official/United Nations Passport holders
  2. Tourist Visa
  3. Business Visa (including for dependents and for sports)
  4. Employment Visa (including for dependents)
  5. Student Visa
  6. Conference Visa
  7. Journalist Visa
  8. Film Visa
  9. Transit Visa
  10. Entry Visa
  11. Medical Visa (including for attendants)
  12. Transfer of Visa
  13. Visitor Visa for Pakistani nationals
1. Diplomatic/Official/United Nations Passport holders

Diplomatic, Official, Service and UN Passport holders requiring Indian Visa may submit visa application directly to the Consular section of Indian Consulate located at Unit D, 16th Floor, United Centre, 95, Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong between 9.30 AM to 12.30 PM. Following documents are to be submitted along with visa application form:

  • One printed copy of the online visa application form duly signed on both pages
  • One recent photograph as per photo specifications
  • Diplomatic/Official/Service/UN passport with at least two blank pages and minimum 6 months validity
  • Copy of profile page of the passport. If applicant is holding dual/multiple nationality, copy of profile page of all passports
  • Copy of Consular Corps/HK/Macau/UN ID
  • Note Verbale in original clearly mentioning the purpose and duration of visit
  • Self undertaking as per Form-II regarding use of satellite phone
  • General self-undertaking as per Form-III

Note: Please carefully read General Instructions before filling the application form

2. Tourist Visa

Tourist Visa is issued to a person to visit India whose sole objective of visiting India is recreation, sightseeing, casual visit to meet friends or relatives, attending a short term yoga programme, short duration medical treatment including treatment under Indian systems of medicine, short term courses on local languages, music, dance, arts & crafts, cooking, medicine etc. which should not be a formal or structured course/ programme (courses not exceeding 6 months duration and not issued with a qualifying certificate/ diploma etc.), and voluntary work of short duration (for a maximum period of one month, which do not involve any monetary payment or consideration of any kind in return) etc. and no other purpose/ activity. Short term yoga programme means a yoga programme not exceeding 6 months duration and not issued with a qualifying certificate/ diploma etc. Following documents are to be submitted along with visa application form:

  • One printed copy of the online visa application form duly signed on both pages
  • One recent photograph as per photo specifications
  • Original passport with at least two blank pages and minimum 6 months validity
  • Copy of profile page of passport. If applicant is holding dual/multiple nationality, copy of profile page of all passports
  • Copy of Hong Kong/Macau ID for residents and copy of valid HK/Macau visa for non residents
  • Proof of travel as tourists such as (i) leave/vacation letter from employer, (ii) tour package receipts/details booked with travel agents (if applicable), (iii) details of itinerary with return/onward journey tickets, (iv) copy of bank statement for last three months (v) proof of stay i.e. either hotel booking or letter from Indian reference along with an address proof and a photo ID of Indian reference.
  • Self undertaking as per Form-II regarding use of satellite phone
  • General self-undertaking as per Form-III
  • Form-IV providing complete details of travel

Note: Please carefully read General Instructions before filling the application form

Additional Important information regarding Tourist Visa:

Tourist Visa is non-extendable, non-convertible and there should be a gap of 2 months between two successive visits to India for the nationals of Afghanistan, China, Iran, Pakistan, Sudan, foreigners of Pakistani origin and Stateless persons. In case of requirement to visit India within two months, special permission should be sought from the concerned Indian Mission.
Such applications will be permitted only in emergency conditions like death/serious illness in the family, non-availability of connecting flights to return to his/her country of origin or travel to another country or any other exigent situation which can be duly justified with proper documentation. The Consulate will examine each case on merits. In case permission is accorded, registration with the local FRRO/FRO (Foreigners Registration Office) would be required within 14 days of arrival in India. The registration should be done with the FRRO/FRO concerned preferably at the first place of visit on re-entry.

3. Business Visa

Business Visa is granted to the persons who wish to visit India to establish an industrial/business venture or to explore possibilities to set up industrial/business venture in India; Persons coming to India to purchase/sell industrial products or commercial products or consumer durables; Persons coming to India for technical meetings/discussions, attending Board meetings, general meetings for providing business services support; Persons coming to India for recruitment of manpower; Persons who are partners in the Business and/or functioning as Directors of the company; Persons coming to India for consultations regarding exhibitions or for participation in exhibitions, trade fairs, business fairs, etc; Persons buyers who come to transact business with suppliers/ potential suppliers at locations in India, to evaluate or monitor quality, give specifications, place orders, negotiate further supplies etc., relating to goods or services procured from India; Experts & specialists on a visit of short duration in connection with an ongoing project with the objective of monitoring the progress of the work, conducting meetings or to provide technical guidance; Persons coming to India for pre-sales or post-sales activity not amounting to actual execution of any contract or project; Persons Trainees of multinational companies/corporate houses coming for in-house training in the regional hubs of the concerned company located in India; Persons coming as tour conductors and travel agents and /or conducting business tours of foreigners or business relating to it. Following documents are to be submitted along with visa application form:

  • One printed copy of the online visa application form duly signed on both pages
  • One recent photograph as per photo specifications
  • Original passport with at least two blank pages and minimum 6 months validity
  • Copy of profile page of passport. If applicant is holding dual/multiple nationality, copy of profile page of all passports
  • Copy of Hong Kong/Macau ID for residents and copy of valid HK/Macau visa for non residents
  • Recommendation letter from the company in Hong Kong/Macau clearly mentioning the profile of the company and applicant including passport number. It should mention exact purpose of visit(s) and dates/durations of the same
  • Business card/Name card of the applicant
  • Invitation letter from Indian company stating purpose and duration of visit(s)
  • Copy of the Hong Kong/Macau Business Registration certificate
  • Copy of Certificate of Incorporation of Indian Company, PAN Card of Indian Company and ID Proof of signing authority of Indian invitation letter
  • Self undertaking as per Form-II regarding use of satellite phone
  • General self-undertaking as per Form-III

Note: Please carefully read General Instructions before filling the application form

Business Visa for dependents of person holding Business Visa

Dependents of business visa applicants can apply for business visa (Dependent). Documents required are as mentioned for Business Visa and proof of relationship and dependency
Business Visa for Sports
Business Visa for sports is issued to members of the sports teams visiting India to participate in the International sports competitions organized in India. Following documents are to be submitted along with visa application form:

  • One printed copy of the online visa application form duly signed on both pages.
  • One recent photograph as per photo specifications
  • Original passport with at least two blank pages and minimum 6 months validity
  • Copy of profile page of passport. If applicant is holding dual/multiple nationality, copy of profile page of all passports
  • Copy of Hong Kong/Macau ID for residents and copy of valid HK/Macau visa for non residents
  • Invitation from concerned sports association/authority in India
  • Recommendation letter from concerned sports association in Hong Kong/Macau
  • Permission letter from Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports of Government of India (GoI) to organizers of the sports event
  • Political Clearance from Ministry of External Affairs of GoI
  • Clearance from Ministry of Home Affairs of GoI (wherever applicable)
  • Self undertaking as per Form-II regarding use of satellite phone
  • General self-undertaking as per Form-III

Note: Please carefully read General Instructions before filling the application form

4. Employment Visa

Employment visa is only granted to an applicant who is highly skilled and / or qualified professional and is not granted for unskilled, routine, ordinary or secretarial / clerical jobs. The foreign national being sponsored for an Employment Visa in any sector should draw a salary of more than Indian rupees 16.25 lakhs per annum. All applicants may please note that employment visa is granted only if the applicant is being paid salary in India by the Indian company.
Employment Visa may be granted to the persons coming to India for employment in a company/firm/organization registered in India or for employment in a foreign company /firm/organization engaged for execution of some project in India; Persons engineers/technicians coming to India for installation and commissioning of equipments/machines/tools in terms of the contract for supply of such equipment/machine/tools; Persons personnel deputed for providing technical support/services, transfer of know-how/ services supplies for which the Indian company pays fees/royalty to the foreign company; Persons coming to India as consultant on contract for whom the Indian company pays a fixed remuneration (this may not be in the form of monthly salary); Persons artists engaged to conduct regular performances for the duration of the employment contract given by Hotels, Clubs, and other organizations; Persons who are coming to India to take up employment as coaches of national/state level teams or reputed sports clubs; Persons sportsmen who are given contract for a specified period by the Indian Clubs/organizations; Self-employed Persons coming to India for providing engineering, medical, accounting, legal or such other highly skilled services in their capacity as independent consultants provided the provision of such services by foreign nationals is permitted under law; language teachers/interpreters; specialist Chefs; those going to India to India for Employment in NGOs or doing Volunteer work with NGOs. Following documents are to be submitted along with visa application form:

  • One printed copy of the online visa application form duly signed on both pages.
  • One recent photograph as per photo specifications
  • Original passport with at least two blank pages and minimum 6 months validity
  • Copy of profile page of passport. If applicant is holding dual/multiple nationality, copy of profile page of all passports
  • Copy of Hong Kong/Macau ID for residents and copy of valid HK/Macau visa for non residents
  • Offer of appointment from the employer in India clearly mentioning the profile of the employer and complete details of the profile & passport of the applicant
  • Copy of employment contract mentioning terms and conditions, including nature of job, details of emoluments, tax related issues signed by both employer and prospective employee
  • Letter from Indian employer stating/justifying requirement to recruit the position from outside India
  • Copy of registration of company/Institute in India
  • Recommendation from Hong Kong/Macau Company (in case of transfer/secondment)
  • Resume/C.V. showing qualification and work experience of the applicant.
  • Self undertaking as per Form-II regarding use of satellite phone
  • General self-undertaking as per Form-III
  • Form-V providing additional details required for employment visa

Note: Please carefully read General Instructions before filling the application form

Employment Visa for Dependents of persons holding Employment Visa

Dependents of employment visa applicants can apply for employment visa (Dependent). Documents required are as mentioned for employment Visa and proof of relationship and dependency

5. Student Visa

Student Visa is issued to a foreigner whose sole objective is to pursue on-campus, full time (structured) courses (including English and other language courses and vocational education) at educational institutions (Central/ State Government Educational Institutions & Private Educational Institutions) duly recognized by statutory regulatory body and have acquired statutory authorization to conduct the course(s) complying with GST regulations; for higher education including in South Asian University and Nalanda University; for student exchange programme; for school education; for studies in Yoga, Vedic Culture and Indian Systems of Music and dance; for Buddhist studies (institution should be recognized by Ministry of Home affairs, GoI for admitting foreign students); for Theological Studies; for missionary students; for research scholar, visiting Research faculty, research scholar on bilateral exchange programme, members of botanical, scientific, anthropological expeditions; for those coming for internship in India (including those coming under French VIE programme; applicants who intend to pursue internship in Indian companies, educational institutions and NGOs; interns who are sponsored by Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales(AIESEC). Following documents are to be submitted along with visa application form:

  • One printed copy of the online visa application form duly signed on both pages
  • One recent photograph as per photo specifications
  • Original passport with at least two blank pages and minimum 6 months validity
  • Copy of profile page of passport. If applicant is holding dual/multiple nationality, copy of profile page of all passports
  • Copy of Hong Kong/Macau ID for residents and copy of valid HK/Macau visa for non residents
  • Letter of admission from recognized Indian institution
  • Copy of Birth Certificate
  • Letter from parent (in case of minor) regarding financial support along with copy of his/her Hong Kong/Macau ID and bank statement.
  • Proof of fees paid
  • Copy of letter issued by Ministry of Home Affairs, GOI to institution stating that the institution is recognized for admitting foreign students for study of yoga, vedic culture/Indian system of dance/music, as applicable
  • No objection Certificate from Ministry of Health, GOI to institution stating that the institution is recognized for admitting foreign students (in case of admission to medical or Para-medical course)
  • Self undertaking as per Form-II regarding use of satellite phone
  • General self-undertaking as per Form-III

Note: Please carefully read General Instructions before filling the application form

Eligibility Criteria/Additional Documentation for Student Visa for Internship in India

  • The student visa for internship visa will be granted to those who have completed their graduation/post-graduation. The gap between the completion of graduation/post-graduation and the commencement of the internship should not be more than one year. In case the internship is in a Company, the foreign national being sponsored by internship should draw a minimum remuneration of Indian Rupees 7.80 lakhs per annum. There will be no minimum salary limit in the case of internship in educational institutional and NGOs. Earnings from internship will be subjected to the Indian Income Tax Regulations.
  • A letter from the Indian company/educational institution/NGO concerned sponsoring for internship programme which inter-alia includes the following information: Name of company/institute/NGO in India, Address, Phone/Fax, Email, duration of internship in months, annual remuneration to be received in INR, and undertaking from the Indian company/organization concerned that they will ensure departure of the intern on completion of the internship.
6. Conference Visa

Conference Visa is granted for the duration of the conference to those who are going to India for attending an international conference/seminar/workshop etc. Following documents are to be submitted along with visa application form:

  • One printed copy of the online visa application form duly signed on both pages
  • One recent photograph as per photo specifications
  • Original passport with at least two blank pages and minimum 6 months validity
  • Copy of profile page of passport. If applicant is holding dual/multiple nationality, copy of profile page of all passports
  • Copy of Hong Kong/Macau ID for residents and copy of valid HK/Macau visa for non residents
  • A copy of the invitation letter from the organiser in India.
  • Letter from the participant/employer to establish credentials of the applicant
  • Clearance from Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of External Affairs, GOI for foreigners participating in conferences/seminars/workshops etc (In case they are from Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, Sudan, foreigners of Pakistani origin and Stateless persons)
  • Political Clearances issued by Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) of GoI
  • Self undertaking as per Form-II regarding use of satellite phone
  • General self-undertaking as per Form-III

Note: Please carefully read General Instructions before filling the application form

7. Journalist Visa

Journalist Visa is issued to professional journalists, photographers, film producers/directors (other than commercial films), a representative of radio or television organisation, travel writers/photographers etc. travelling to India for work-related purposes; A correspondent, columnist, cartoonist, editor or professional journalist working for an association/company engaged in production or broadcast of audio news or audio visual news or current affairs programme through print media, electronic or any other form; Journalists visiting India for any other purpose like tourism. Following documents are to be submitted along with visa application form:

  • One printed copy of the online visa application form duly signed on both pages.
  • One recent photograph as per photo specifications
  • Original passport with at least two blank pages and minimum 6 months validity
  • Copy of profile page of passport. If applicant is holding dual/multiple nationality, copy of profile page of all passports
  • Copy of Hong Kong/Macau ID for residents and copy of valid HK/Macau visa for non residents
  • Sponsorship letter from the media house in Hong kong/Macau giving purpose and details of visit. In case applicant is Freelancer, accreditation letter from the local Journalist Association.
  • A letter of invitation from an Indian company/sponsor (wherever applicable)
  • Declaration in respect of equipment being carried, if any
  • Declaration in respect of engaging an Indian liaison officer (wherever applicable)
  • Journalists, editors, writers, publishers, etc. who are visiting India for purposes like tourism are requested to provide an undertaking from self and employers that they would not engage in any journalistic or reporting activities during their visit to India
  • Self undertaking as per Form-II regarding use of satellite phone
  • General self-undertaking as per Form-III

Note: Please carefully read General Instructions before filling the application form

Additional Important information regarding Journalist Visa:

  • The applicants are required to contact on arrival in New Delhi, the External Publicity Division of the Ministry of External Affairs and in other places, the Office of the Government of India's Press Information Bureau, so that they could be given necessary assistance in various matters including planning their itineraries.
  • There is no requirement for accreditation for journalists on brief professional visits to India, but temporary accreditation may be extended for journalists from reputed media organizations, if so requested by them. However, all journalists on long-term assignment in India are obliged to apply compulsorily for accreditation with Press Information Bureau (PIB). This can only be done after arrival in India.
  • Journalist visas are extendable after arrival in India, for representatives of established media organizations, on the basis of letters of nomination specifying the duration of assignment and provided they hold valid PIB accreditation. Extensions are issued for up to one year at a time. Visa extensions are issued by the nearest FRRO (Foreigners Regional Registration Office) in the city where the journalist is based.
  • For details on documentary filming please refer to www.mea.gov.in/documentary-filming-in-india.htm.


8. Film Visa

For foreign nationals coming for shooting of a feature film, reality TV show, Web Shows/Series, commercial TV serials/Shows and location recee. Following documents are to be submitted along with visa application form:
Additional Documents to be submitted along with Visa application form:

  • One printed copy of the online visa application form duly signed on both pages.
  • One recent photograph as per photo specifications
  • Original passport with at least two blank pages and minimum 6 months validity
  • Copy of profile page of passport. If applicant is holding dual/multiple nationality, copy of profile page of all passports
  • Copy of Hong Kong/Macau ID for residents and copy of valid HK/Macau visa for non residents
  • Copy of permission letter from Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, GoI for shooting of film
  • A letter indicating type of production, complete address of shooting location,Phone/Fax, Email id of Local unit
  • Self undertaking as per Form-II regarding use of satellite phone
  • General self-undertaking as per Form-III

Note: Please carefully read General Instructions before filling the application form

Additional Important information regarding Film Visa:

  • Four copies of the detailed shooting script in case of feature film and detailed concept in case of TV show/ TV serials, details of visiting film crew and location of film shooting shall be submitted by the foreign team to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting for scrutiny and clearance. Proposal can either be forwarded directly or through an Indian Mission abroad. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, New Delhi may levy a fee for scrutiny of the application.
  • The film has to be shot according to the script, as approved by the Government of India. In case any material deviation is considered necessary, prior permission of the Government of India has to be obtained by the foreign team.
  • Ministry of Information and Broadcasting will attach a liaison officer to the foreign team. He will stay and travel with the team. The actual expenses on the boarding, lodging and travel of the liaison officer, in connection with the shooting of the film, will be met by the Government of India.
  • The shooting of the film must be done in the presence of the liaison officer (where liaison officer has been attached) who will, as part of his/ her duties, ensure that nothing detrimental to the image of India or the Indian people will be shot or included in the film. Should a disagreement arise in this respect, the matter shall be referred to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting whose decision shall be final. 
  • The foreign team must show the complete film to a representative of the Government of India, in India or abroad (i.e. an Indian Mission abroad), before its actual release anywhere in the world after the film has been recommended by the expert who has scrutinized the script and certified that the film has nothing objectionable from the point of view of presentation of a correct and balanced image of the topic/ country covered. In case the foreign team desires to show the film to an Indian Mission abroad, the name of the Mission must be specified by the foreign team in advance. No portion of the film should be shown in the open forum without prior approval of the Government of India.
  • Local permission, wherever required, must be obtained by the filming team from the local authorities. The list of equipment to be temporarily imported in connection with the shooting is required to be submitted to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, in advance, who will issue recommendations to the Customs authorities to exempt such temporary import from Customs Duty. 
  • If the film is a joint venture (Indo-foreign collaboration), the detailed agreement between the Indian and foreign party shall be furnished to the Government of India for specific clearance. 
  • After the shooting is completed in India, a report giving the details of actual shots taken shall be provided, in duplicate, to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting by the Liaison Officer, in cases where a Liaison Officer has been attached with the filming unit. 
  • An undertaking will be required to be given to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in case any assistance is sought from any Ministry of Government of India or from any State Government/ UT. Separate agreements, as stipulated by these Ministries will, however, have to be signed with them by the foreign team. 
  • The maximum number of crew for a specific film being shot by an international production company that can be allowed under this visa regime will be 125, unless the project is of such scale that it necessitates the presence of a larger international crew in India which will be allowed on case to case basis including list of designations of the cast and crew that normally constitute part of a film shoot. The Production Company requesting for issuance of such visas may be permitted to submit the visa applications in batches depending upon schedules and requirements instead of submission of complete list of crew.
  • The international cast and crew coming to India on a film visa for the film shoot shall be employed by the foreign company seeking permission to shoot the film in India and the company shall take the responsibility for the cast and crew coming to India for filming. The foreigners coming on Film Visa will have to register himself/ herself with the FRRO/ FRO concerned irrespective of the duration of the Film Visa/ stay of the foreigner in India.
  • The foreigners being given the film visa may need to demonstrate that they have adequate means to support themselves in India and may need to demonstrate that they have incentive to return to their place of residence when the said Visa expires. 
  • Foreigners being given film visa should refrain from commenting on any issues relating to insurgency (if any) in the areas, participating in missionary activities, meeting banned outfits or its over ground/ underground functionaries.
  • The foreigners should strictly adhere to the norms and regulations of foreigner’s guidelines during their stay in the country and visit only the areas permitted for their visit. They should not visit any restricted/ protected area or prohibited place without prior permission of the competent authority.
  • Money transaction for shooting of film should be done as per RBI guidelines.
  • For comprehensive details on Film Visa please refer to website https://ffo.gov.in/en/permissions/step-by-step-guide
9. Transit Visa

Transit visas are issued for transiting through India. It is valid for 15 days from the date of issue of the Visa. Applicant is permitted to stay for only 72 hrs in transit. Transit Visa must be obtained before departure. Transit Visas can't be obtained from immigration counters at ports of entry in India. Evidence of confirmed onward travel to a destination outside India is required. Passengers having a connecting flight for onward journey and who do not intend to leave the airport or pass through the Immigration do not need a Transit Visa. Following documents are to be submitted along with visa application form:

    • One printed copy of the online visa application form duly signed on both pages
    • One recent photograph as per photo specifications
    • Original passport with at least two blank pages and minimum 6 months validity
    • Copy of profile page of passport. If applicant is holding dual/multiple nationality, copy of profile page of all passports
    • Copy of Hong Kong/Macau ID for residents and copy of valid HK/Macau visa for non residents
    • Copy of confirmed tickets of onward journey from India.
    • Recommendation and invitation letters from the shipping companies in Hong Kong/India stating details of 'joining' the concerned vessel (for seaman only)
    • Self undertaking as per Form-II regarding use of satellite phone
    • General self-undertaking as per Form-III

Note: Please carefully read General Instructions before filling the application form

10. Entry Visa

Foreign nationals of Indian origin and spouse/children of Indian nationals/person of Indian origin are eligible for entry visa which may be granted for a period of six months to five years depending on the purpose and the status of the applicant. This type of visa entitles the holder to a continuous stay in India up to six months on each visit and may allow a continuous stay beyond six months (180 days) provided the holder registers himself/herself with the nearest Foreigner Regional Registration Office (FRRO) within two weeks of arrival in India.
In addition, foreign nationals coming to India to join Auroville Foundation, Aurobindo Ashram, Missionaries of charity, Temples or similar approved organizations and certain other categories to be decided by the Consulate are also granted entry visa. Following documents are to be submitted along with visa application form:

  • One printed copy of the online visa application form duly signed on both pages
  • One recent photograph as per photo specifications
  • Original passport with at least two blank pages and minimum 6 months validity
  • Copy of profile page of passport. If applicant is holding dual/multiple nationality, copy of profile page of all passports
  • Copy of Hong Kong/Macau ID for residents and copy of valid HK/Macau visa for non residents
  • Copy of last held Indian Passport, Form-XXII (issued by the concerned Indian Mission/Post at the time of surrender of Indian passport) and Surrender Certificate/ Deemed Surrender Certificate (for persons of Indian origin).
  • Nationalization Certificate
  • Copy of last held Indian passport, Form-XXII (issued by the concerned Indian Mission/Post at the time of surrender of Indian passport) and surrender/deemed surrender certificate (if applicable) of parents/spouse or OCI/PIO card of parents/spouse along with birth certificate/marriage certificate*
  • Self undertaking as per Form-II regarding use of satellite phone
  • General self-undertaking as per Form-III

Note: Please carefully read General Instructions before filling the application form

* Marriage and birth certificate;
(i) Issued in India and submitted along with visa application must be first apostilled by MEA as per the details at https://www.mea.gov.in/apostille.htm.

(ii) Issued in Hong Kong/Macau, submitted along with visa application like birth/marriage/death/divorce must be apostilled by respective High Court.

(iii) Issued in third country (other than India/Hong Kong/Macau) must be first authenticated by Indian mission in that country or mission of that country in Hong Kong/Macau.

11. Medical Visa
Medical Visa is issued for the purpose of seeking medical treatment in recognised/specialised treatment centres in India. Medical documents establishing the need for medical treatment in India along with the offer of treatment from a recognised medical institution in India are necessary to consider grant of Medical Visa. Proof of availability of sufficient funds for the duration of stay and the expenses for medical treatment in India should also be submitted with confirmed return tickets. Following documents are to be submitted along with visa application form:

  • One printed copy of the online visa application form duly signed on both pages
  • One recent photograph as per photo specifications
  • Original passport with at least two blank pages and minimum 6 months validity
  • Copy of profile page of passport. If applicant is holding dual/multiple nationality, copy of profile page of all passports
  • Copy of Hong Kong/Macau ID for residents and copy of valid HK/Macau visa for non residents
  • Offer of treatment from recognized Hospital in India
  • Recommendation letter from treating Doctor from Hong Kong/Macau to undergo treatment in India.
  • Bank statement as proof of financial standing 
  • Self undertaking as per Form-II regarding use of satellite phone
  • General self-undertaking as per Form-III
  • As per the latest instructions, commissioning of surrogacy in India by foreign nationals (including OCI cardholders) is not permitted and no visa is now granted for this purpose

Note: Please carefully read General Instructions before filling the application form

Medical Attendant Visa

Medical attendant visa is issued to family members/attendants of patients who are granted medical visa to undergo treatment in India. Following additional documents are to be submitted along with visa application form:

  • Letter from Medical authorities in Hong Kong specifying the requirement of medical attendant
  • Letter from Indian Hospital authorities recommending the need of medical attendant.
  • Copy of Medical Visa of the patient who is required to be accompanied by the applicant (in case medical visa is already issued)
  • Self undertaking as per Form-II regarding use of satellite phone
  • General self-undertaking as per Form-III

Note: Please carefully read General Instructions before filling the application form

12. Transfer of Visa

Applicants can apply for this service to transfer an already issued valid visa on an old passport to a new valid passport. Following documents are to be submitted along with visa application form:

  • One printed copy of the online visa application form duly signed on both pages
  • One recent photograph as per photo specifications
  • Original new passport with at least two blank pages and minimum 6 months validity
  • Copy of Hong Kong/Macau ID for residents and copy of valid HK/Macau visa for non residents
  • Original old passport containing valid visa and copy of profile page
    of old passport
  • Copy of valid visa page in the old passport
  • Self undertaking as per Form-II regarding use of satellite phone
  • General self-undertaking as per Form-III

Note: Please carefully read General Instructions before filling the application form

13. Visitor Visa for Pakistani nationals

Pakistani nationals are not eligible to apply for tourist visa. Instead, Pakistani nationals those coming to visit relatives or friends are required to apply for visit visa. Following documents are to be submitted along with visa application form:

  • One printed copy of the online visa application form duly signed on both pages
  • One recent photograph as per photo specifications
  • Original passport with at least two blank pages and minimum 6 months validity
  • Copy of profile page of passport. If applicant is holding dual/multiple nationality, copy of profile page of all passports
  • Copy of Hong Kong/Macau ID for residents and copy of valid HK/Macau visa for non residents
  • Proof of travel such as leave/vacation letters from employers, tour package receipts booked from travel agents, self-made tours including details planned itinerary and copy of latest bank statement
  • Sponsorship certificate, Form-1 and Personal Particular Form 
  • Self undertaking as per Form-II regarding use of satellite phone
  • General self-undertaking as per Form-III

Note: Please carefully read General Instructions before filling the application form

14. In addition to above categories of visa, Consulate General of India in Hong Kong also issues Mountaineering Visa (for foreign nationals coming to India for mountaineering expeditions), Missionary Visa (for foreign nationals coming to India whose sole objective is missionary work in approved organisations not involving preaching) and Pilgrim Visa for Pakistani nationals (for Pakistani nationals coming to India for pilgrim purpose under religious protocol). Please contact Indian Consulate or external application service centre (managed by M/s BLS  International Services Limited)  for further details.